Friday 4 October 2013

I have been actively researching for my next post, completely disappointed with the lack of credible data and statistics on the topics of socialisation and technology in education, learning and schools.

Perhaps the answer to my problems isn’t finding the statistics but rather asking questions.

  1. In which space at school did you feel most comfortable, why?
  2. Was there a specific space in which you felt most venerable, more targeted or bullied, why?

I’m interested to see if the architecture and design of a space directly influences a person’s experience and the way people behave in that space. 


  1. Georgia Kassara · Norwood Morialta High School

    1) I felt most comfortable when my friends and I were in a specific area with tables and chairs under some trees. We were not totally isolated from the large area of the school but not directly in the middle of it. A nook if you like. We also tended to change our 'spot' 2-3 times a year depending on the weather and how bored we got so it was great to have options of nice sitting areas. The courtyard surrounded by buildings and shelter was ideal for winter. the side of the oval near the grass was great for summer.
    2) when we sat in the middle of the oval around other ball sports and in the open area. When we sat too close to a 'group' we were unfamiliar with.

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  2. Cassandra Kiriakopoulos · Adelaide High School

    1) I felt most comfortable in home group.
    the space was open, and allowed more time and room to interact with others along with close friends.
    the space wasn't a strict formal classroom setup and allowed us to see what was going on around us. home group was a more relaxed and chilled space for us to just talk and interact with others?
    2) the space in which I felt most venerable was the oval.
    this space was open and big which meant there was a lot going on. you would have a couple of soccer games on one side and football games on the other, balls flying everywhere. sometimes overwhelming. the oval was also a place to avoid because come spring time attack of the Magpies!

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  3. Maria Katropoulos · University of Adelaide

    1. The space I felt most comfortable in depended on the activity I was doing. If I had work to do, I felt most comfortbale in a structured environment with little clutter and a reasonable amount of space. This helped me concentrate and keep a clear mind.

    However, if I was socialising I preffered sitting on the grass outside, in the middle of the oval, usually under trees. It was a good contrast to the structured learning environment, and was therefore very refreshing. I felt comfortable here as it allowed me to clear my head during recess or lunch and helped me maintain concentration and productivity back in class.

    2. I personally found that it wasn't the space that created these feelings, more so the people in them. If I knew certain groups, that made me feel uncomfortable, lingered in a particular area then I would feel uncomfortable there as I would feel I was 'encoraching' on their 'spot.'

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  4. Maria Katropoulos · University of Adelaide

    re 1. I suppose the thing both these spaces had in common is that they were very calming. It was probably the calming atmosphere or surroundings that made me feel comfortable.

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  5. 1- I liked spaces at school where you felt connected to the outdoors, so views out of a window or the small courtyard spaces. Whilst studying it was nice to break up the monotony of work with a glance out to something nice.
    For socialising at recess and lunch I found we would always change our minds, through the younger years 7-9 we kept to ourselves didn't mingle much, found edges of buildings that we would sit up against that had dome shelter and privacy. Though the senior years were a bit different, there was more interactions between the upper year levels. Therefore we tended to hang around the canteen 'senior' tables. I think it would have been nice if there were more spaces with seating for the younger years like Georgia said.
    2- I didn't like being in the vast open spaces, middle of the quadrangle and oval. Fear of being hit by balls for one, but also you were exposed in these areas. People from all angles can see you and you find yourself constantly checking round.
    Our tutors are always saying that people ocupy the edges of buildings and avoid the open spaces, I now understand why. My challenge will be to create a balance between the openness and the edge.

  6. 1) the place where i felt most comfortable at school was in homegroup and outside. The reason why i felt comfortable in homegroup is because it is an open environment where you can escape the stresses of the school work load. Outside is another comforting place, as is nice way to escape the stress of the classroom pressure and complete your work at your own pace.

    2) As a younger student the places where you feel targeted are the library and the outdoor areas. The reason to this is because the older student are intimidating, and they pick on the younger students because they are easy targets.

  7. 1. At school the place I felt most comfortable was in home group. The reason I felt most comfortable in home group was that it was a calm and open environment where I was able to wind down after morning lessons and then refuel for the lessons to come. Being around the people in home group was also comforting as I built close relationships with my home group teacher and peers and we were able to just sit and talk about anything and everything that was on our mind and I knew I could get some helpful feedback.

    2. The place I felt most vulnerable would be the hallways. This space was the most intimidating as a young student as there were such large crowds of people who consisted of mostly seniors who would be quite aggressive. Seniors saw younger students as easy targets and therefore they were subject to more bullying in the hallways.

    1. Homegroup seems to be a common response. I figure this is because the students make this space their own. From what I've read and experienced people excel best when they are comfortable and feel a sense of belonging. This is an element that I would like to integrate into the whole design of a school.

      I agree hallways are all too often horrible places to occupy. It is a key element that needs to be addressed in school design. How can these intermediate spaces better enhance the learning enviromnent. Perhaps as breakout space with study nooks for independent and group learning or to enhance school community through chillout social zones.
