Friday 4 October 2013

Schools out... but education has just started!

Ok so here I go.

First time blogger.

Not sure what to say. All bloggers guide’s say to start with an intro so let’s try that.

I’m a final year student (thank the Lord it’s nearly over) studying my Masters in Architecture.  Over the past 19 years I’ve undertaken a total of 8720 hours of study. Comprising of countless test, endless rope learning, a multitude of late nights, all-nighters, no sleep, stress, headaches, sickness -so over studying!

So you may ask how I get through it.

With a positive attitude, the reward of good grades, pride, ambition… I think not.

We all know that it’s the junk food, redbull, hilarious YouTube clips ("#Hashtag" with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake[1], loving this one right now; and again I’m distracted), where was I; funny moments, breakdowns, social networking, and snapchat that gets us through. When it comes down to it it’s the social things that keep us motivated and coming back.

If I were to ask you what you’re best memories of school were, what would be your response?

Here’s mine.

So unlike most South Australian high schools that begin in year 8, I attended a college where the senior school begins in grade 7. Therefore the majority of the cohort had moved over from the junior campus leaving me as ‘the new girl’. This had me intimidated, leaving me concerned that I would be left as an outsider. I arrived on the first day with my mum in tow, standing off to the side like a lost puppy. Mum spotted a family friend how had a son who was in the same position; I remember her saying to me, ‘Here be friends with Michael.’ (Thanks mum, great start, not embarrassing at all).

We had concluded with all the formalities and were shown around the school and to our home groups. Then came the scary part recess; contrary to my initial assumptions I wasn’t the lost puppy at all in fact I was like a Big Brother intruder, filling the students with intrigue and excitement.  They were so complacent in their fellow students that they were craving something fresh. Each social group put in their bid to try and win me and the other new-comers over. And so school social life began.

When reminiscing back on my years at high school and uni to that fact, it’s the social experiences that stand out.  Like when Stef sneezed two-minute noodles out of her nose, or Michael Koumoulas dozed off and fell off his chair in history, or when Miss Ricici was sent home because her G-string was showing. It’s these experiences that make your school years memorable.

This gets me thinking.

How can you design in social experiences within a school?

Can a school’s learning environment be improved if the social setting is built in?

Can architecture improve the learning environment through social interactions? How?

I will be addressing these questions in my future posts so keep tuned, and shared your ideas so we can have an influence on the education revolution.


  1. I completely agree with your view on how important that mix is of learning and social things, I myself believed strongly that school was a psychological experiment, a place where I was forced to be, in an almost torturous way (ha) and where I'm sure if the social side of learning was enhanced, I would have enjoyed more thoroughly! Although, this makes me think... isn't a school meant to concentrate more so on learning? So I guess it's about finding a healthy balance. I wonder how you intend on finding this balance? And what will be the main features of your social environment? I look forward to hearing your ideas!

  2. Georgia Kassara · Norwood Morialta High School

    Thank you for the giggles! A great first blog! I think any first experiences can be quite overwhelming. Here is my teacher brain clicking on....I do believe in a school context, that the physical environment provided and the emotional/social environment influenced by the school and its ethos is crucial to students fitting in somewhere quickly and feeling comfortable. This in turn influences their ability to learn and reach their potential! I think you are a great example of that!

    (moved from Tumblr)

  3. Angela Kiriakopoulos · Works at Bella Bello

    It would be nice to still remember the "Funnies," but as the years go by all I can remember is the "Stress."
    I think you are onto something important with designing social experiences at school... can't wait to read more...

    (moved from Tumblr)

  4. I think that school shouldn't be such a formal and uncomfortable place as it is now. I think it should be an open learning area with all glass classrooms so anyone can look through and see what the class is doing, with lots of art around the place and a much more relaxed environment. I think that all classrooms should contain couches and pillows in a sitting area at the back. Traditional desks are convenient, true, but I know for sure that sitting at a desk for 2 and a half hours
    Straight can not be good for ourselves!

  5. My best school moments were when I was hanging with my friends... recess and lunch were my favourite times! I think the main reason I went to school was to see my friends. I went to a small school, so the architecture and design was important because they had to use what little space they had and make it feel comfortable and open. The architecture and design of a school, I think, is crucial to the education of the students as it influences the moods of the students, and the better the environment is, the better the success of the student.
